Third Party Title IX Investigator Benefits

MBM Law’s Christina L. Lane is an education attorney who specializes in school matters, including Title IX issues. Ms. Lane has extensive personal experience in being a third-party Title IX investigator in Pennsylvania. Continue reading to learn Title IX law and watch a quick video on our education attorney’s best practices.

The Title IX Coordinator Role

The Title IX Coordinator’s role is to implement compliance and procedures according to their school district’s regulations. Any education program or activity that receives federal financial assistance is required to adhere to Title IX, which protects against sex discrimination.

The role of a Title IX coordinator requires an extensive understanding of nuanced education laws. Most schools understand the need for Title IX compliance in the face of the withdrawal of federal funding. There is also the risk of a lawsuit seeking monetary damages against the school entity.

There are advantages and disadvantages of hiring an outside agency to oversee these constantly changing laws. Whether or not you opt to outsource your Title IX coordinator duties. MBM Law Education Lawyers are ready to assist your Title IX coordinator. Contact us with your questions.

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Outsourcing Title IX Investigations

There are many reasons to outsource your school’s Title IX investigations. Investigations can be time-consuming, emotionally taxing, and complicated. Strict adherence to the grievance process can be a lot to manage.

Sexual harassment lawsuits in Pittsburgh have grown in recent years. Weighing on these factors is the potential for negative publicity. It also can cause morale issues internally if the investigators are deemed to be too close in relationship with the accused.

If you require the assistance of an experienced and local education attorney, please contact MBM Law today!

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Hiring a Local Title IX Attorney

Title IX attorneys bring a wealth of knowledge about education law. They also understand the need to protect student rights, as well as the integrity of the school. With an external Title IX, you mitigate any claims of bias or retribution.

It is no wonder so many schools take advantage of independent Title IX attorney investigators. Contact MBM Law if you want to discuss the additional benefits of hiring a local Title IX attorney.

Why MBM Law Recommends 3rd Party Title IX Investigation

Outsourcing your Title IX investigations communicates a commitment to fairness. It opens the door to an independent and impartial investigation. It eliminates the doubts often expressed with internal investigations. It also reduces any risk that the student may feel unsupported or that their future may be at risk. In short, hiring a neutral third party instills faith and trust. It shows the world that your institution stands for its staff and students, without compromise. It will also ensure prompt and thorough investigation procedures.

Outsourcing will also ensure the individual understands the allegations of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence are serious claims that jeopardize the safety of the school environment and that the claims must be investigated and addressed immediately and effectively. An education attorney investigator will also understand that any determinations with regard to such allegations must be objective, justified, and thoroughly documented.

The Drawback of Third Party Title IX Investigation

Outsourcing does have its drawbacks. The neutral third party will not understand your school’s work environment and culture. The third-party investigator will face an uphill battle as the outsider and will need to expend time developing trust in the grievance process with both the complainant and respondent. Using a third party may extend the time period because of the lack of ready access to individuals at the school as well as competing scheduling concerns.

If you want to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of a third-party Title IX investigator, please contact MBM Law.

Choosing a Pennsylvania Education Attorney

If you decide to outsource, make sure the individual is trained and knowledgeable on Title IX and the grievance process. If you want to learn more about best practices from accomplished school attorney, Ms. Lane, then be sure to watch this video:

Video of Pennsylvania Title IX education lawyer

MBM Law has a team of education lawyers that stay current on the state of education legal news. Contact us today with your Title IX questions or if you need legal education assistance.

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Christina L. Lane
Christina L. Lane

Christina Lane is an accomplished school, municipal, labor and employment attorney representing public sector employers. She has extensive knowledge and experience with Title IX and often serves as a third-party investigator.